Worship Schedule
We have weekly and special services. We livestream our 10:00AM Sunday service every week. Links for the livestream and bulletins and hymns you can print at home can be found by clicking the button below.
Sunday, 8:30am Weekly Service – This service is offered every Sunday and includes Holy Communion. Sunday, 10:00am Weekly Service – This service includes children and youth at the beginning of each service and Holy Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of every month. Following the children’s sermon, children will go to their classrooms for church school. For questions regarding our church school classes for children, please see the youth ministries and children's ministries pages. Our Nursery which is staffed by our highly trained and caring child care workers is available for this service. Rejoicing Spirits, Sunday, 5:00pm Services – On the 2nd and 4th Sundays of every month beginning at 5:00pm, (April is the 4th Sunday, May is the 3rd Sunday and June, July and August are the 4th Sunday) our no-shush Rejoicing Spirits service is a family friendly service where the gifts of all God's people are affirmed and appreciated. Noise reduction headphones, musical instruments for all, gluten-free refreshments, and a sign language interpreter are available at each service. Stay for a simple dinner and fellowship following the service. No reservation for dinner required. In the Presence of the Holy, 7:15 pm, Sanctuary Based on an ancient service called compline, In the Presence of the Holy is a meditative 30 minute prayer service held in the candlelit sanctuary. No sermon, hymns, or announcements, just calming chant-like music sung by a choral ensemble. The only thing a person attending “does” is light a candle, and it is utterly captivating. eLOFT, Sundays, five times a year
We love our worship services and want the next generation to feel connected during sacred times, however, sometimes traditional services don’t help parents keep wiggly children engaged or give enough time to remind us “why” we’re worshiping. We need a sacred space to gather as a family and teach the “whys” of worship. Why do we gather together and not just worship alone? Why do we break for a snack halfway through the service, and why do we sit through sermons? eLOFT is that sacred gathering place. Five times a year those who are in “teach the faith” mode, and those simply seeking a better understanding of worship, will gather. After all, eLOFT stands for Everybody Learning Our Faith Together. eLOFT will embrace our favorite pieces of traditional worship, like singing traditional hymns with traditional instruments. Some things will be different, like worshiping around tables so families can sit face to face and enjoy table top activities. The planning team will include fun ways to get out the wiggles and engage all ages in the profound meaning of worship liturgy and ritual. Each time we will teach a specific “why” of worship. When families go back to our weekly traditional services they will immediately feel more comfortable and attach deeper meaning and personal understanding to that time. eLOFT will be held in Knox Auditorium at 10:00am on selected Sundays and run concurrently with our service in the sanctuary. No need to set different alarms on eLOFT Sundays. We hope you will join us for this exciting new worship service. Your family’s faith will grow while making joyful memories of worshiping together. For directions to our church please click here (opens in a new window).