Christmas Services
Last year's Mini Christmas Concert
Friday, December 24, 2021
Family Worship will be pre-recorded Christmas Eve and available for viewing at 8:00am so families can watch when it is convenient for them. Click below for the YouTube link. 5:00 PM: In-person and Livestream
People will be fully masked. 8:00 PM In-person and Livestreamed Worship with Communion Life can move quickly especially around the holidays. Our 11:30PM Worship on Christmas Eve will help us all slowdown and be present for the moment of Christ's coming. This will take place in your sacred spaces at home assisted by ZOOM. We will gather online, increase our presence, and welcome Christmas at the very moment of its arrival.
Advent Walk
November 28-December 24, anytime During Advent we focus on the words Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love. This year we will be talking about how we can walk in the way of Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love. A special walk will be set up around the church to help as we prepare for Christmas. Those who come to Sunday worship can exit the sanctuary and take the walk on the way to their cars. Anyone watching from home can come to the church during the week and take their advent walk. We hope this will help you prepare for Christ's coming in a unique and inspiring way. Sunday, December 26, Prerecorded Service available at 8:00AM.
Sunday, January 2, 8:30am and 10:00 am:
In-Person Worship and Livestream with Communion. |